Hilsa shad, Tenualosa ilisha (Hamilton), in Bangladesh is found in inland rivers, estuaries and the marine environment, throughout the year, but the peak catch period is during upstream migration. Tissue (white muscle, liver, brain) samples (total 640 specimens) were collected from three different localities, representing marine, brackish and fresh water, during the monsoon in the summer of the years 1993-1996 to identify genetic markers and study the population structure of this species. The samples were analysed by starch gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing, and stained for 15 enzymes and general muscle proteins. Only phosphoglucomutase, aspartate amino transferase, esterase and unidentified muscle proteins were found to be polymorphic. The allele frequencies for the samples collected in the marine environment deviated from corresponding samples from freshwater and estuarine localities, indicating that hilsa shad in Bangladesh waters comprise more than one gene pool.