Background: Tuberculosis (TB) among migrants from high-risk countries and underling interventions were concerned for disease control. This study aimed to assess the TB trends among marriage-migrants with the 1-2-round vs. labor-migrants with the four-round TB screenings in the period of the first four post-entry years; pre-entry screenings by an initial chest X-ray (CXR) were conducted during 2012-2015, and a friendly treatment policy was introduced in 2014. Methods: TB data of migrants during 2012-2015 were obtained from the National TB Registry Database and analyzed. The incidences, clinical characteristics, and treatment outcomes were assessed to explore the impact of underlying interventions. Results: During post-entry 0-4 years, the TB incidence rates among marriagemigrants ranged 11-90 per 100,000 person-years, with 60.8% bacteria-positive and 28.2% smear-positive cases. Whereas among labor migrants, the incidence rates ranged 67-120 per 100,000 person-years, with 43.6% bacteria-positive and 13.7% smear-positive cases. All migrants originated from Southeast Asia following pre-entry health screening in 2012-2015. The TB cases among marriage-migrants were with a higher proportion of sputum-smear-positivity (SS+) (OR: 4.82, 95% CI [3.7-6.34]) and CXR cavitation (OR: 2.90, 95% CI [2.10-4.01]). Marriage-migrants with TB had treatment completion rate of >90%, which was above the WHO target. For labor-migrants with TB, when compared the period of post- vs. pre-implementation of the friendly therapy policy that eliminated compulsory repatriation, the overall treatment completion rate of those who stayed in Taiwan improved by 30.9% (95% CI [24.3-37.6]) vs. 6.7% (95% CI [3.8-9.7]), which exceeded a 4.88-fold (95% CI: 3.83-6.22) improvement. Additionally, the treatment initiation rate within 30 days of diagnosis for SS- TB and B- TB cases during post- vs. pre-implementation of the therapy policy was increased, that is, 77.1% vs. 70.9% (OR: 1.38, 95% CI [1.12- 1.70]) and 78% vs. 77% (OR: 1.64, 95% CI [1.38-1.95]). Conclusion: Multiple CXR screenings could identify more TB cases with sputumsmear-negativity (SS-) TB at the early-stage, introducing latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) screening might save underlying efforts. For those labor-migrants with TB who stayed in the receiving country, the friendly TB therapy policy not only significantly improved the treatment completion but also the early treatment initiation.