By comparison with studies of herbivore physiological adaptation to plant allelochemicals, work on predator physiological adaptation to potentially toxic prey has been very limited. Such studies are important in understanding how evolution could shape predator diets. An interesting question is the specificity of predator adaptation to prey allelochemicals, given that many predators consume diverse prey with different chemical defences. The ladybird Harmonia axyridis, an invasive species in America, Europe and Africa, is considered a significant predatory threat to native invertebrates, particularly other aphid-eating ladybirds of which it is a strong intraguild predator. Although ladybirds possess species-specific alkaloid defences, H. axyridis exhibits high tolerance for allospecific ladybird prey alkaloids. Nonetheless, it performs poorly on species with novel alkaloids not commonly occurring within its natural range. We examined alkaloid fate in H. axyridis larvae after consumption of two other ladybird species, one containing an alkaloid historically occurring within the predator's native range (isopropyleine) and one containing a novel alkaloid that does not (adaline). Our results indicate that H. axyridis rapidly chemically modifies the alkaloid to which it has been historically exposed to render it less harmful: this probably occurs outside of the gut. The novel, more toxic alkaloid persists in the body unchanged for longer. Our results suggest metabolic alkaloid specialisation, in spite of the diversity of chemically defended prey that the predator consumes. Physiological adaptations appear to have made H. axyridis a successful predator of other ladybirds; however, limitations are imposed by its physiology when it eats prey with novel alkaloids.