The popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) has prompted researchers to investigate the relationship between SNS use and various psychological variables, one being, self-esteem. There is a large literature, theoretical and empirical, supporting a relationship between these two variables, however, the conclusions are mixed; some research finds that SNS use and self-esteem are negatively associated, while some find that they are positively associated. To clarify this relationship, a meta-analysis was conducted. A systematic literature search identified 121 independent samples. An overall effect size of r = -.079 (N = 91,462, 95% CI [-.107, -.050]) was obtained, indicated a small, negative, and significant relationship between SNS use and self-esteem. Moderator analyses revealed that this relationship was stronger in studies investigating problematic SNS use. The authors argue that these results suggest a need for additional research investigating more nuanced classifications of SNS use, as well as positive aspects of SNS use.