Freeze-thaw (F-T) cycle is an important external factor affecting the mechanical properties of saline soils in cold regions. In this study, the effects of F-T cycles (0, 1, 5, 10, 30, 60 and 120) and salt contents (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0%) on the shear properties of saline soil in western Jilin Province of northeastern China, including stressstrain behavior, peak undrained shear strength (tau(u)), resilient modulus (E-R), cohesion (c(u)) and internal friction angle (phi(u)), were investigated by conducing unconsolidated-undrained (UU) triaxial compression tests. The results demonstrated that, when the salt content was the same, the tau(w), E-R and c(u) basically showed a decreasingsteady-decreasing trend with increasing F-T cycles, and the dynamic evolutions of soil microstructure were mainly responsible for such variations. The Gouy-Chapman diffuse double layer together with matrix suction theories were employed to analyze the mechanism of the effects of salt content on the c(u) and phi(u) at different freeze-thaw cycles; the thicker diffuse double layer induced by higher sodium ion contents and the decreasing matrix suction were deemed as the main reasons that led the c(u) to phi(u) continuous reduction; the phi(u) was believed to be successively affected by the enhanced lubrication effect and the salt crystallization process, and there was a threshold salt content (2.0%) which was influenced by the number of F-T cycles. Finally, by categorizing the different experimental combinations into relative undamaged, single-factor damaged and two-factor damaged states concerning the tau(w), an empirical mathematical equation of high reliability (R-2 > 0.985) was established to describe the combining effects of F-T and salinity on the changes in tau(u) .