Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of various health education methods for improving oral health knowledge of accredited social health activists (ASHA) and Anganwadi workers of Muradnagar Block, Ghaziabad-Delhi NCR. Methods: A promotive interventional study was conducted amongst 301 ASHA and Anganwadi workers of Muradnagar block at three steps such as baseline, oral health education programme (OHEP), and reinforcement to assess their oral health knowledge using predesigned, close-ended, validated, questionnaire. Four different methods were used in OHEP to disseminate knowledge, namely, health talks, posters, and pamphlets, PowerPoint presentations, and a combination of all methods. Post-assessment was done one week after OHEP followed by reinforcement after 1 month which was followed by final post-assessment after 1 week. Students' independent t-test and one-way ANOVA were used for analysing data. Results: At baseline, primary healthcare workers had mean knowledge scores as 14.67 +/- 1.152 which was increased to 20.96 +/- 1.053 after the intervention and 27.6 +/- 0.762 after reinforcement. There was an increase of 7.6% and 14.3% of primary healthcare workers giving correct responses after OHEP and reinforcement, respectively. Conclusions: The combination method was the most effective in improving oral health knowledge of study population followed by posters and pamphlets and the least effective method was PowerPoint presentation. Dentists can play a vital role in mobilising the primary healthcare workers by consequently contributing towards improving the oral health status of the community.