The significance of a sheltering effect of seagrass against predators influencing the distribution patterns of benthic juveniles of the streaked goby Acentrogobius sp. was investigated by field experimentation in and around seagrass habitats at Moroiso and Aburatsubo Bays, Miura Peninsula, Japan. In the former bay, juveniles were always restricted to the seagrass bed, whereas at the latter, they also occurred over the surrounding bare sand substrate. Juveniles never occurred inside predator-exclusion cages over unvegetated sand in Moroiso Bay. Additionally, a tethering experiment resulted in similarly small numbers of juveniles being preyed upon in both the seagrass bed and over bare sand, suggesting that the predation risk for juveniles may not differ between the habitat types and was thus not responsible for their distribution patterns. The availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, which were scarce in bare sand in Moroiso Bay but abundant in a similar area in Aburatsubo Bay, was also hypothesized as a determinant of distribution pattern. In a manipulative experiment at Aburatsubo Bay, however, juveniles showed no response to alterations in the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows, indicating that neither the sheltering effect of seagrass against predators nor the availability of symbiotic shrimp burrows was a significant factor in streaked goby juvenile distribution. Food availability may be a determinant, because food abundance patterns were concordant with the juvenile distribution pattern. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.