Broadside, or fan, recordings of a Lithoprobe seismic refraction - wide-angle reflection experiment in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera show several features further illuminating the crustal structure beyond that previously derived from SCoRE '90 (Southern Cordillera Refraction Experiment of 1990) in-line data. Analysis of a nearly in-line profile centred on Castlegar, British Columbia, shows lower velocities in the upper crust associated with the Purcell Anticlinorium as well as velocity variations that may have some association with the Purcell fault zone. The depth to Moho is almost 38 km, somewhat deeper and on trend with the structure that has been established farther north. The broadside records show high signal-to-noise ratio PmP arrivals (i.e., reflections from the bottom of the crust). These PmP fan picks were analysed in regions away from in-line profiles, providing further measurements of the depth to Moho in the southeastern Cordillera. The analysis of the broadside records combined with the earlier in-line interpretations as well as older crustal seismic measurements make up a relatively high resolution database, compared with most other regions in Canada, from which we have generated maps of depth to Moho and average crustal velocity in the southeastern Cordillera of Canada. The maps show thin, low-velocity crust over much of the region and indicate a high degree of correlation between current crustal seismic properties and regional isotherms.