The use and integration of ICT in education allows originate a number of advantages as a positive influence on the teaching-learning process ([1]), encouraging motivation, interest in the subject, creativity, imagination and communication methods. Similarly, they also improve problem-solving skills and teamwork, build self-esteem and allow greater autonomy in learning ([2]). Educational technology in the information society plays a key role in the Education design and planning, and for this reason it is an indispensable resource for attention to diversity. There are many media and technology resources that handle teachers to meet the different disabilities, learning difficulties, unfamiliarity with the language, etc. ICT allow us to use and design multimedia educational resources. ICT enable more and better adaptation of multimedia materials to the educational needs of students in each classroom. Early involvement in the development and implementation of the wiki in order to develop materials for research and development of basic skills in students of ESO and use of the interactive whiteboard (IWB) has been enhanced to attend the diversity of students is presented in the classrooms of the institute. This wiki is part of an activity that was targeted at teachers of Secondary Education. By the design and use of a wiki, an innovative educational tool, in the field of Mathematics, it is favored the attention to the diversity of the students in the classrooms of a Secondary School. Most of the students, by having and using the possibilities of the wiki, improve the academic outcomes regarding the results of the final evaluation of the course. The students' motivation and attraction to the field of Mathematics has been greater than before the development of the wiki. The results have been very good and the contents of the wiki allowed adapting to the individual educational needs of students. There has been a great involvement by the majority of students accessing the contents provided in this wiki and performing the tasks on this wiki, encouraging further use of ICT in students. A hundred students of ESO have answered some questions in order to draw conclusions regarding the use of new technologies and attention to diversity. Also, from the creation of the wiki to now, a lot of visits were received from more than 29 countries worldwide.