Large devastating events such as earthquakes often display frequency-magnitude statistics that exhibit power-law distribution. In this study, we implement a recently developed method called earthquake nowcasting (Rundle et al. in Earth Space Sci 3: 480-486, 2016) to evaluate the current state of earthquake hazards in the seismic prone Sulawesi province, Indonesia. The nowcasting technique considers statistical behavior of small event counts between successive large earthquakes, known as natural times, to infer the seismic progression of large earthquake cycles in a defined region. To develop natural-time statistics in the Sulawesi Island, we employ four probability models, namely exponential, exponentiated exponential, gamma, and Weibull distribution. Statistical inference of natural times reveals that (i) exponential distribution has the best representation to the observed data; (ii) estimated nowcast scores (%) corresponding to M >= 6.5 events for 21 cities are Bau-bau (41), Bitung (70), Bone (44), Buton (39), Donggala (63), Gorontalo (49), Kendari (27), Kolaka (30), Luwuk (56), Makassar (52), Mamuju (58), Manado (70), Morowali (37), Palopo (34), Palu (62), Pare-pare (82), Polewali (61), Poso (42), Taliabu (55), Toli-toli (58), and Watampone (55); and (iii) the results are broadly stable against the changes of magnitude threshold and area of local regions. The presently revealed stationary Poissonian nature of the underlying natural-time statistics in Sulawesi brings out a key conclusion that the seismic risk is the same for all city regions despite their different levels of cycle progression realized through nowcast scores. In addition, though the earthquake potential scores of the city regions will be updated with the occurrence of each small earthquake in the respective region, the seismic risk remains the same throughout the Sulawesi Island.