Purpose: The overall aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of day activity centres in providing a service to physically disabled clients in the Eastern Region of Ireland. Method: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used. Four focus groups with clients were undertaken. This informed questionnaire content and design for subsequent quantitative work. Interviewer administered questionnaires were distributed to 156 randomly selected clients. Areas covered in the questionnaire included: demographic characteristics, income, living circumstances, medical information, access to day centre, activities at the centre, staff, outcome of attendance and satisfaction with the centre. Results: There was a very positive response to the survey, all clients selected agreed to participate. The majority of clients were unmarried, unemployed and disabled due to a neurological disorder. While most lived in owner-occupied occupation, they were dependent on state benefits for their principal source of income. The majority of clients attended the centres for social and recreational reasons. Although there was a high level of satisfaction with the service overall, some aspects, such as availability of therapy and lack of continuity of staff are areas identified that need improvement. Conclusion: This study highlighted aspects of day activity services that clients value. The results of this evaluation should guide the proposed future development and expansion of this service.