In this paper, EA4T alloy railway axle steel was shot peened with steel balls and ceramic balls with a diameter of 50 mu m, and 10(9)-cycle fatigue tests of unpeened and peened specimens were carried out. The fatigue properties and the surface compression residual stress relaxation processes were investigated. The results of surface fracture observation indicated that all the cracks initiated from the surface, and both peened and unpeened specimens have conventional fatigue limits in the very high-cycle fatigue regime. Moreover, compared with unpeened (UP) specimens, the fatigue limits were improved by 31 and 28% for ceramic shot-peened (CSP) and steel shot-peened (SSP) specimens, respectively. The improvement of fatigue limit is related to the surface compressive residual stresses (SCRS) and the surface-hardened layer. The SCRS and full-width half-maximum (FWHM) values during the relaxation processes have been analyzed. At stress amplitudes lower than the cyclic yield strength, the residual stress of SSP specimens relaxed quickly in the first loading cycle and then remained stable, while the residual stress of CSP specimens relaxed quickly in the first loading cycle and relaxed slowly afterward, then remained stable. For all SSP and CSP specimens with applied stress amplitudes larger than the cyclic yield strength, the residual stress relaxed quickly in the initial cycles, and then remained stable after the first loading cycle.