Background: Metastasis of distant malignancies to the cervix uteri is a rare occurrence and the frequency is approximately 4% for all tumours. However, the frequency of cervical metastasis of breast cancer is much lower and is estimated to range between 0.8 and 1.7%. With the exception of ovarian metastases, secondary tumours of the female genital tract are rather uncommon. Therefore, these conditions pose diagnostic problems for the clinician. Patient: A 40-year-old woman with the diagnosis of invasive ductal cell carcinoma of the right breast underwent mastectomy with dissection of axillary lymph nodes in 1998. Subsequently, the patient received 6 cycles of chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fluorouracil. The initial tumour stage was pT2, pN0 (0/13), M0, G2. The oestrogen and progesterone receptors were positive and expression of the C-erb-B2 coding oncogene was negative. Gynaecological and ultrasonographic examination revealed a normal cervix without evident lesions. Exfoliative cytology was negative. 14 months after treatment the patient presented with an axillary relapse and surgery, second-line chemotherapy with doxorubicine and radiation therapy of the chest wall and the axilla were performed. The patient developed liver metastases 14 months later and at this time ultrasonographic pelvic examination revealed a 2.2 cm tumour of the cervix with good vascularisation. The patient had no clinical symptoms, i.e. no vaginal bleeding or discharge. Sonomorphologically this tumour appeared as a leiomyoma of the cervix. Cervical biopsies and curettage, however, revealed metastatic carcinoma expressing oestrogen and progesterone receptors consistent with the primary breast cancer. Under palliative chemotherapy with docetaxel progression of liver metastases and cervical metastasis occurred and the patient died 9 months later. Conclusion: Metastatic involvement of the cervix should be considered in women with a history of breast cancer who present with vaginal bleeding or suspicious changes of the cervix on transvaginal ultrasound. Therefore, gynaecological and ultrasonographic examination of the pelvis represent an important part of the follow-up investigations in women with primary breast cancer.