Fibrin is a natural substrate for growth, adhesion, and migration of mature endothelial cells (ECs) and a candidate coating material in approaches to graft endothelialization. Adipose tissue represents an abundant, practical source of donor tissue for stem cells which may be a useful source for engineering of vascular grafts. However, the optimal substrates that promote differentiation of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) into ECs remain to be elucidated. In the present Study, we investigated whether Fibrin can be used as a substratum to support in vitro ECs differentiation of ASCs and whether fibrinogen concentration can be affect on ECs differentiation of ASCs. For determination of phenotypic characteristics of ASCs used in this experiment, we performed flow cytometry analysis. ASCs were plated on fibrin composed of varying concentrations of fibrinogen and induced into ECs differentiation in presence of VEGF. Before inducing into ECs, ASCs did not express any markers of hematopoietic cells (CD34, CD45), ECs (CD31, CD34), and endothelial progenitor cells (CD34, CD133, Flk-). The degree of ECs differentiation was determined by capillary network formation, ECs-specific gene expression, and F-actin assembly. During the first 12 h after seeding, cells spread randomly, moved and formed small interconnected clusters. These clusters decreased in size and formed a capillary tube at 48 h. During the further incubation in presence of VEGF for 7 days, ASCs expressed mRNA and protein of von Willebrand factor (vWF). The degree of ECs differentiation of ASCs was consistently decreased as fibrinogen concentration increase. Fibrin may be used a; biomatrix to promote differentiation of ASCs into ECs for tissue engineering.