Streaming electrification under de and ac electric fields was investigated by using test pipes and oil circulation apparatus. We used two different test pipes, one made of pressboard, and the other of insulating paper. At first, the amount of static charges which flowed into the test pipes was measured without electric field. For the experiment using an insulating paper pipe, when the oil temperature increased, the measured current curve shows a peak. When the velocity increased, the current increased proportionally from the 2nd to 4th power of velocity. For the experiment using a pressboard pipe, the current increased proportionally from the 3rd to 5th power of temperature, and by the Ist power of velocity. Then, we applied ac and de electric fields on the test pipes and the current from a relaxation tank to ground was measured. The ions in oil carry the charges, so an electric field affects ions in the oil. It makes the mathematical approach to streaming electrification difficult. We know that as the electric field intensity increased, the current due to selective adsorption of the test pipe was increased. The current vs. velocity curve under ac electric field had a peak point in velocity.