Iodine is an extremely important substance for living beings, which has a versatile biological activity and provides functional activity of almost all body systems due to participation in metabolism. The use of inorganic compounds of iodine salts is not always effective enough, as they are unstable, easily oxidized in air, as a result, the content of available iodine significantly reduces. In this regard, a promising direction in the correction of iodine deficiency is the use of organic forms of iodine, when the element is in chemical connection with any organic substance. Nowadays the work in this direction is conducted in Limited liability company "Phili N-Pharm" (Moscow) they let out the iodine-containing additives "Yoddar" and "Yoddar-Zn". The scientific and economic experience to study the impact of different forms of iodine feedings on the productivity of lactating sheep of Tushin breed was conducted in the Joint stock company "Saniba" the suburban district of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania in the period from 2016 to 2017. For the experiment, 40 purebred young ewes, originating from first-class ewes and one inseminator sheep, were selected at birth. All the lambs were divided into 4 groups with 10 lambs in each: one control group and three experimental groups. The maintenance and feeding conditions of all groups were similar; the only difference was that the experienced young ewes' groups received different iodine medicaments in addition to their diet. The amount of iodine fertilizing was added to the feed based on the calculation of 2 mg of iodine per 1 kg of dry matter of the diet. Feed iodine supplements had a positive effect on the hematopoietic organs: their use helped to improve the overall condition of the blood: the number of red blood cells increased by 1.4-6.7%, hemoglobin-by 5.3-8.8% and leukocytes-by 4.4-7.6%. The best results on these indicators were obtained in lambs of experimental groups receiving "Yoddar-Zn".