Since the early of the 1990s the method of inductive melting in a cold crucible (IMCC) has been applied at SIA "Radon" for production of various wasteforms, including glasses and Synroc-type ceramics. Sphene-based glass-ceramics composed of glass and crystalline phases were considered as appropriate wasteform for High Level Waste immobilisation. Investigation of two glass-ceramic specimens prepared with the IMCC has been performed using optical microscopy, XRD, SEM/EDS, and TEM methods. The samples produced consist of vitreous and crystalline phases. The vitreous phase consists of two varieties of glass formed by the immiscibility of the initial melt onto two separate liquids. One of the glasses is observed as spherical microinclusions in the matrix glass. The glass of the microspheres are differed from the matrix glass composition by higher contents of Ca, Ti, Ce, Sr, Zr (or Cr), while the matrix glass contains higher amounts of Si, Al, and alkalies. The crystalline phases with sphene-and perrierite-like structures have been also occurred. Their total quantity reaches up to 50 vol.%. The synthetic perrierite has similar unit-cell parameters with its natural mineral analogs with the only exception in two-fold value of c dimension. Zr, Ce, and Sr are incorporated into synthetic sphene and perrierite, while Cs is hosted by the glass phases.