Kurseong hill subdivision, being one of the three (Kurseong, Sadar and Kalingpong) subdivisions of the hilly portions of the Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India, is affected by severe landslide incidence in the rainy season every year. These landslides and related phenomena frequently create social and economic instability disrupting communication system, claiming property and even sometimes life. Curbing landslide threat, therefore, becomes very much essential over this area. Individual landslide treatments are seen to be taken up by the construction engineers and geo-technical experts almost every year from government level. But reoccurrence of landslides on the same spots or surrounding places clearly reveals that construction works and filling procedures (usually taken up) are not the adequate measures to heal up the problem unless the area is treated as zones of landslides than individual spots of landslide occurrences. Therefore, the assessment of spatial probability of landslide occurrence in various magnitudes in the form of landslide vulnerability zones becomes essential. This spatial probability should also be compared with temporal probability based on the data of landslide incidence of the area for justification of match or mismatch between the inference drawn from the diagnostic criteria based assessment of the possibility level of landslide occurrence and the reality of the landslide scenario in the light of historical perspective of the area. This comparison will finally help to achieve the predicted vulnerability zones of landslide with desirable accuracy to put forward for planning decision. Moreover, such predicted vulnerability zonation can be taken as a standard estimate to use in planning purpose for the areas where historical data of landslide incidences are inadequate or unavailable. With this view in mind, the present paper takes an attempt to verify and compare landslide vulnerability zones derived from Spatial Terrain Parameter Evaluation (STPE) and Anthropogenic Criteria Identification (ACI) methods with the landslide hazard zones prepared from historical data, i.e. landslide inventory of certain length of time. Careful observation reveals that different degrees of landslide vulnerability zones significantly correspond with the similar magnitudes of the landslide hazard zones determined by past occurrence data of landslides over this hill subdivision and therefore validate the predictability procedure of landslide vulnerability zonation. The accuracy performance of the landslide vulnerability zonation model has further been verified by the occurrence dataset of landslide events through receiver operating characteristic curve analysis where area under curve evaluation showed 81.77 % correctness.