A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic, light brown pigment bacterium, designated strain CE80(T) was isolated from marine sponge Callyspongia elegans in Jeju Island, Republic of Korea. Strain CE80(T) grew optimally at 25 degrees C, in the range of pH 5.0-11.0 (optimum 7.0-8.0), and with 1.0-5.0% NaCl (optimum 1-3% (w/v)). Phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that strain CE80(T) belonged to the genus Labrenzia and was closely related to L. suaedae YC6927(T) (98.3%), L. alexandrii DFL-11(T) (96.6%), L. aggregata IAM 12614(T) (96.6%) L. marina mano18(T) (96.5%) and L. alba CECT 5094(T) (96.2%). The major fatty acids of strain CE80(T) were C-18:1 omega 7c, and summed feature. The polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylmono-methylethanolamin, one unidentified aminolipid, one phospholipid and four unidentified lipids. The DNA G+C content of strain CE80(T) was 55.9 mol%. The major respiratory quinone was Q-10. DNA-DNA relatedness between strain CE80(T) and L. suaedae YC6927(T) was 56.1 +/- 2.8%. On the basis of physiological and biochemical characterization and phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic analysis, strain CE80(T) represents a novel species of the Labrenzia, for which the name Labrenzia callyspongiae sp. nov., is proposed. The type strain is CE80(T) (=KCTC 42849(T) =JCM 31309(T)).