The giraffes of Niger are the last West African giraffes. This last remaining population, reduced to less than 100 individuals, is found in the Koure area and the northern part of the Dallol Bosso, one hundred kilometres East of Niamey. These giraffes live peacefully with humans and cattle, in a non-protected area, without predators. They are threatened by the clearing of their habitat and by poaching. Over the course of the year 1996, more than 30 % of the individuals disappeared, largely due to the numerous captures ordered by the government of Niger. At the end of 1996, a land use management project based on the giraffes' conservation was implemented in their living area. This project made possible the protection and reconstitution of the giraffe population. The balanced sex-ratio and significant birth-rate gives the present population a very good grounding for expansion provided that adequate protection and valorization policies are maintained. Heightened public awareness of the population in general and the political leaders of Niger in particular, is also an important factor. The expansion of this population will be possible only within the framework of an economic development program based on the conservation and valorization of natural resources, on the one hand, and on the management of these resources by local rural communities on the other hand. This article introduces the history of the giraffes' presence in West Africa and the recent demographic evolution of the population of giraffes in Niger.