Objectives: (1) To describe psychosocial variables related to sexual activity and the prevalence of contextual factors (e.g. coercion, paid sex and drug/alcohol use) and various sexual experiences among young men and women in Lima; and (2) to assess the relationship between psychosocial, contextual and behavioral factors on one hand and negative sexual health events such as unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) on the other hand. Design: A cross-sectional serosurvey complemented with focus groups and in-depth interviews. Subjects and methods: A total of 611 adolescents (16-17 years old) and 607 young adults (19-30 years old) were recruited randomly from among those registering for military service (adolescents) or seeking work/study perm its (young adults). These subjects were asked to fill out a self-administered questionnaire with detailed information on sexual experiences and psychosocial variables. The response rates were 98% (adolescents) and 82% (young adults). A subsample of 858 subjects provided blood specimens, which were analyzed for antibodies to HIV-1, the hepatitis B virus and syphilis. The relationship between the main study variables and sociodemographic indicators was also assessed, and multivariate analysis was used to identify those variables associated with sexual health problems. A preliminary qualitative phase helped in the questionnaire design and in interpreting survey findings. Results: Thirty-four percent of adolescents and 75% of young adults were sexually experienced. The prevalence of bisexual behavior was high, particularly among males (12%). The males often reported paid sex (47%) and the females often reported sexual coercion (47%). Among the heterosexually active, only 11% reported consistent use of condoms. While 22% of the heterosexually active reported an unplanned pregnancy in self(females) or partner (males), 18% of the sexually active reported a history of STD symptoms or diagnoses. Among the sexually active who gave a blood sample, 0.2% were positive for HIV, 6.7% for hepatitis B and 1.5% for syphilis. Those who experienced an unplanned pregnancy or STD symptoms or, for the subsample, were seropositive for HIV or other STDs, were more likely to perceive social norms as restricting condom use to casual sex, to be older, to combine sex with alcohol or drugs and to report a history of sexual coercion or of having paid or been paid for sex. For females only, engaging in sex at a younger age was a risk marker, while engaging in any homosexual activity was protective; Conclusions: Cultural norms that restrict condoms to casual sex may place many young people in Lima at risk of an unplanned pregnancy or STDs. Sexual behavior may be especially risky in a context of sexual coercion and paid sex, when sex is combined with drugs and alcohol, and when engaged in by younger females. Sexual health education should work to change such cultural norms and these risky contexts.