Synthetic crystalline lycopene is a nutritional supplement to increase dietary intake of lycopene, an antioxidant carotenoid. Its potential oral developmental toxicity was studied in rats and rabbits. Each study included 3 control groups (water and matrix for Lycopene 10 CWD or LycoVit(R) 10%), 3 Lycopene 10 CWD groups [500, 1500 and 3000 (rats)/2000 (rabbits) mg/kg/day] and 1 LycoVit(R) 10% group [3000 mg/kg/day (rats)/2000 (rabbits)]. The high dosages were at maximum achievable concentrations and dosage volumes (15 and 10 ml/kg for rats and rabbits, respectively) of the highly viscous test material suspensions. Dosages were administered on gestation days (GDs) 6 through 19 (rats) or GDs 6 through 28 (rabbits). Endpoints evaluated included viability, body weight, feed consumption, necropsy observations [GD 20 (rats)/GD 29 (rabbits)], uterine contents and fetal viability, gender, body weight and morphology (skeletons double-stained). Feed consumption and weight gain were essentially unaffected in rats and rabbits, despite intubation problems in both species and reduced gastrointestinal motility and mortality in rabbits attributable to the physical properties of the gels. Neither Lycopene 10 CWD nor LycoVit(R) 10% caused direct maternal or developmental toxicity in rats or rabbits at dosages as high as 3000 or 2000 mg/kg/day, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.