Daily extreme precipitation values are among environmental events with the most disastrous consequences for human society. Information on the magnitudes and frequencies of extreme precipitations is essential for sustainable water resources management, planning for weather-related emergencies, and design of hydraulic structures. In the present study, regional frequency analysis of maximum daily rainfalls was investigated for Golestan province located in the northeastern Iran. This study aimed to find appropriate regional frequency distributions for maximum daily rainfalls and predict the return values of extreme rainfall events (design rainfall depths) for the future. L-moment regionalization procedures coupled with an index rainfall method were applied to maximum rainfall records of 47 stations across the study area. Due to complex geographic and hydro-climatological characteristics of the region, an important research issue focused on breaking down the large area into homogeneous and coherent sub-regions. The study area was divided into five homogeneous regions, based on the cluster analysis of site characteristics and tests for the regional homogeneity. The goodness-of-fit results indicated that the best fitting distribution is different for individual homogeneous regions. The difference may be a result of the distinctive climatic and geographic conditions. The estimated regional quantiles and their accuracy measures produced by Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate that the estimation uncertainty as measured by the RMSE values and 90% error bounds is relatively low when return periods are less than 100 years. But, for higher return periods, rainfall estimates should be treated with caution. More station years, either from longer records or more stations in the regions, would be required for rainfall estimates above T=100 years. It was found from the analyses that, the index rainfall (at-site average maximum rainfall) can be estimated reasonably well as a function of mean annual precipitation in Golestan province. Index rainfalls combined with the regional growth curves, can be used to estimate design rainfalls at ungauged sites. Overall, it was found that cluster analysis together with the L-moments based regional frequency analysis technique could be applied successfully in deriving design rainfall estimates for northeastern Iran. The approach utilized in this study and the findings are of great scientific and practical merit, particularly for the purpose of planning for weather-related emergencies and design of hydraulic engineering structures.