Annual fluxes of N2O trace gas emissions were assessed after stratifying German forest soils into Seasonal Emission Pattern (SEP) and Background Emission Pattern (BEP). Broad-leaved forests with soil pH(KCl) less than or equal to3.3 were assigned to have SEP, broad-leaved forests with soil pH( KCl) >3.3 and all needle-leaved forests to have BEP. BEPs were estimated by a relationship between annual N2O emissions and carbon content of the O-horizon. SEPs were primarily controlled by temperature and moisture and simulated by the model Expert-N after calibration to a 9-year record of N2O measurements. Analysis with different climate and soil properties indicated that the model reacts highly sensitive to changes in soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil texture. A geographic information system (ARC/INFO) was used for a spatial resolution of 1 km x 1 km grid where land cover, dominant soil units, and hygro climate classes were combined. The mean annual N2O emission flux from German forest soils was estimated as 0.32 kg ha(-1) yr(-1). Broad-leaved forests with SEP had the highest emissions (2.05 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)) followed by mixed forests (0.38 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)), broad-leaved forests (0.37 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)), and needle-leaved forests with BEP (0.17 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). The annual N2O emission from German forest soils was calculated as 3.26 Gg N2O-N yr(-1). Although needle-leaved trees cover about 57% of the entire forest area in Germany, their contribution is low (0.96 Gg N2O-N yr(-1)). Broad-leaved forests cover about 22% of the forest area but have 55% higher emissions (1.49 Gg N2O-N yr(-1)) than needle-leaved. Mixed forests cover 21% of the area and contribute 0.81 Gg N2O-N yr(-1). Compared to the total N2O emissions in Germany of 170 Gg N yr(-1), forest soils contribute only 1.9%. However, there are some uncertainties in this emission inventory, which are intensely discussed.