We present a review of coherent-vortex dynamics obtained thanks to large-eddy simulations (LES) associated with simple and effective vortex-identification and animation techniques. LES of a large class of constant-density or weakly compressible three-dimensional flows have been carried out. In isotropic turbulence, we present the formation and evolution of spaghetti-type vortices, seen thanks to Q, vorticity and pressure, together with the time evolution of the kinetic energy, enstrophy and skewness. In a spatially growing boundary layer on a. at plate, one observes during transition big. vortices lying on the wall ( with very well correlated oblique induced low- and high-speed streaks) shedding smaller hairpin vortices around their tips. In the developed boundary layer, we show animations of the purely longitudinal low- and high-speed streaks, as well as animations of low- pressure regions. In a backwards-facing step, we examine the influence of upstream conditions upon the flow structure, by comparing two inflow conditions: a white noise superposed on a mean velocity pro. le and a realistic turbulent boundary layer. The latter three-dimensionalizes the flow downstream of the step and reduces the reattachment length. In both cases big staggered arch vortices form, impinge the lower wall and are carried away downstream. In a two-dimensional (2D) square cavity, spanwisely oriented vortices are shed behind the upstream edge, and impinge the downstream edge, transforming into arch vortices very similar to the back-step case. These arch vortices are also found behind a 2D rectangular obstacle with wall effect. We discuss the relevance of the vortices found with respect to reality. All these eddies are very important in terms of drag and noise reduction in aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.