A detailed analysis of the growth of a Bose-Einstein condensate is given, based on quantum kinetic theory, in which we take account of the evolution of the occupations of lower trap levels, and of the full Bose-Einstein formula for the occupations of higher trap levels, as well as the Bose-stimulated direct transfer of atoms to the condensate level introduced by Gardiner et nl. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1793 (1997); 81, 5266 (1998)]. We find good agreement with experiment at higher temperatures, but at lower temperatures the experimentally observed growth rate is somewhat more rapid. We also confirm the picture of the "kinetic" region of evolution, introduced by Kagan, Svistunov, and Shlyapnikov (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fit. 101, 538 (1992) [Sov. Phys. JETP 75, 387 (1992)]), for the time up to the initiation of the condensate. The behavior after initiation essentially follows our original growth equation, but with a substantially increased rate coefficient. Our modeling of growth implicitly gives a model of the spatial shape of the density profile of the condensate-vapor system as the condensate grows, and thus provides an alternative to the present phenomenological fitting procedure, based on the sum of a zero-chemical potential vapor and a Thomas-Fermi-shaped condensate. Our method fives substantially different results for condensate numbers and temperatures obtained from phenomenological fits, but fits the published column density data very well.