In the present investigation, a new forced quantitative randomized response (FQRR) model has been proposed. Both situations when the values of the forced quantitative response are known and unknown are studied. The forced qualitative randomized response models due to Liu and Chow (J Am Stat Assoc 71:72-73, 1976a, Biometrics 32:607-618, 1976b) and Stem and Steinhorst (J Am Stat Assoc 79:555-564, 1984) are shown as a special case of the situation when the value of the forced quantitative randomized response is simply replaced by a forced "yes" response. The proposed FQRR model remains more efficient than the recent Bar-Lev et al. (Metrika, 60:255-260, 2004), say BBB model. The relative efficiency of the proposed FQRR model with respect to the existing competitors, like the BBB model, has been investigated under different situations. No doubt the present model will lead to several new developments in the field of randomized response sampling. The proposed FQRR model will encourage researchers/scientists to think more on these lines.