The amount of cooling air assigned to seal high pressure turbine rim cavities is critical for performance as well as component life. Insufficient air leads to excessive hot annulus gas ingestion and its penetration deep into the cavity compromising disk or cover plate life. Excessive purge air, on the other hand, adversely affects performance. This paper is Part-2 of the authors' work on ingestion reported last year [1]. Whereas, the main focus of that investigation was to qualitatively describe ingestion driven by annulus circumferential pressure asymmetry under constant annulus conditions and rotational speed, in this paper, the research team investigated the variation of annulus circumferential pressure fluctuation and rotational speed on the double overlap platform rim seal cavity reported in Part-1, and mapped out the resulting non-dimensional minimum sealing flow (minimum value of C(w) or C(w,min)) as it relates to entrained ingestion in the absence of cavity cooling flow (C(w,ent)). As was done in Part-1, the runs were made with 3D CFD in setup/run mode option using Fine/Turbo. At two rotational speeds, annulus conditions were varied by reducing turbine inlet pressure (i.e. mass flow) from the baseline operating condition, and the resulting pressure fluctuation was quantified. In addition, a preliminary investigation to assess the aft-located mixing plane steady state solution for this study was performed. The results yielded the linear decrease in C(w,ent) at fixed rotational Reynolds number as annulus Reynolds number was decreased. Moreover, the rate of change in entrained flow sharply increases with increase in rotational Reynolds number. As annulus mass flow is reduced to a critical value defined by annulus-to-rotational Reynolds number ratio, the CFD prediction for C(w,ent) converges to the turbulent boundary layer entrainment solution for the rotor, and C(w,min) reverts to the rotational Reynolds number dominating region. The results from this study were compared to what has been observed by a previous study for a single overlap platform geometry. The resulting design curve allows insight in relating cavity purge flow requirements versus turbine cycle parameters which could lead to better efficiency.