Aim: To investigate the expression of E-cadherin, a calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecule in colorectal carcinoma. Antibodies to E-Cadherin were used to establish the association of their expression with the clinicopathological characteristics of this disease using immunohistochemical methods. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis for E-cadherin was carried out in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of neoplastic colorectal tissues and non-neoplastic ones adjacent to the lesion from 49 patients who underwent surgery, by the standard peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Expression of this antigen in normal and malignant epithelium and stromal cells was compared. Results: Both neoplastic and normal tissues showed expression of E-cadherin. There was, however, higher expression of E-cadherin in epithelial cells in both tumour and normal tissues than stromal cells.-The percentage of expression in epithelial cells of well-differentiated tumours was significantly higher than moderately differentiated tumours. Loss of normal membranous expression and the presence of cytoplasmic and mixed staining were found frequently in tumour tissues (p = 0.004). This loss of membranous expression, however, did not correlate with Duke's staging, tumour grade, sex, size or site of the tumour. Conclusion: This study suggests that the lower expression of E-cadherin in less differentiated tumours may explain their aggressive nature, although loss of membranous expression was not significantly correlated to Duke's staging, tumour grade, sex, size and site of tumour.