Introduction and hypothesis The aim of the study was to evaluate a new follow-up practice after anterior colporrhaphy for central cystocele involving nurse telephone follow-up. Methods A retrospective follow-up of all 84 patients with an anterior colporrhaphy operation during 2011 was performed. Standard postoperative procedure in uncomplicated cases of cystocele operation (first-time cystocele operation, no preoperative incontinence or voiding difficulties, and no immediate postoperative complications) was a telephone interview performed by a continence nurse 3 months after patient surgery. A local checklist comprising questions concerning complications, voiding dysfunction, and sexual life, as well as questions from the International Consultation on Incontinence Vaginal Symptoms (ICIQ-VS) and the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence Short Form (ICIQ-UI SF) were used. Complex cases were followed by the surgeon with a consultation including gynecological examination after 3 months. Results Out of 84 patients with a cystocele operation, 59 were uncomplicated and had a telephone follow-up. Forty-four (75 %) were satisfied and needed no further consultation in the hospital. One patient could not be contacted. Fourteen patients had a consultation, three before the telephone consultation because of bleeding, five because of anxiety, and one each because of voiding dysfunction and prolapse symptoms. Four patients had persisting urinary incontinence and were incorrectly scheduled for a telephone interview. Conclusions Selecting uncomplicated cases for a nurse telephone follow-up after cystocele operation is feasible in a majority of cases. This allows doctors to see more new patients and focus on difficult cases, as well as saving time and money.