We describe the use of collective drawings as a plastic resource, action technique and a projective means to clarify, strengthen and dilucidate formulated hypothesis in respect to a group process, in regards to its deviations, symptoms generation and awareness for the cordinators and its members. In the latter, the drawing represents the evidence of group phenomena which were not explicitated yet, or which were not exposed in words for some reason; the drawing serves as an evidence which by a ssociations will generate senses. The collective drawing has shown to be a good mean to work group resistances without the need to transform the working group into a therapeutic one. We describe the reading technique such as we use it; the instructions given to the group as well and some examples of group discusion. We have used these collective drawings as an intervention technique in working teams in crisis, psychopathological deviation or disturbed productivity, which has been extremely interesting because we can reach in a short time deep knowledge of what is happening in the group without the need of many interviews. The drawing is a fast, efficient and non costly mean which gene rates useful changes in the gruoup dynamics.