Paternal care during early development influences pup survivorship in the monogamous and biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Moreover, paternal pup retrievals impact development of adult offspring aggression and the neuropeptide vasopressin, yet little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these developmental changes. Because testosterone can increase arginine vasopressin and aggression, we hypothesized that paternal pup retrievals increase testosterone levels in prepubertal male P. californicus pups. Male pups were assigned to one of three groups: hormonal baseline, nonretrieval control, or retrieval. On postnatal days 18-21, all pups and the mother were removed from the cage, and the focal male pup was placed either outside of the nest to elicit paternal retrievals (retrieval group) or in the nest to discourage paternal retrievals (nonretrieval group). Testosterone was elevated at 45-min, but not 90-min, post-manipulation in retrieved compared to nonretrieved pups. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between pup retrievals and testosterone in the 45-min group. This rapid testosterone rise in response to paternal retrievals may facilitate an increase in aggression and vasopressin in adult offspring. Therefore, this period of development previously viewed as hormonally quiescent may be more active in response to paternal behavior than previously thought. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.