Described as the ability to begin solving a problem in one way and then to shift to another strategy efficiently according to the new demands, cognitive flexibility (CF) can be associated, like other executive functions (EF), to math performance. However, CF is not yet a systematically reviewed component of EF in relation to math outcomes. As an effort to better understand the data available, a meta-analysis of random effects with 23 studies including children (N=35.355; M age=5,8; 46% male) was conducted, using for search the databases Scopus, Science Direct, PsycARTICLES, SciELO and also lists of references. Results showed that CF and math are related, with a moderate heterogeneity and significant weighted effect size (r=0,35; Q=67,82; p=0,01; I-2 = 57, 24%). The results of different types of mathematics skills showed similar effects (general math r = 0,35; conceptual math r=0,34; procedural math r=0,33). Correlational and univariate analysis of variance data showed that age negatively impacts the magnitude of the overall correlation between CF and math, indicating that in younger children mathematics performance is more strongly impacted by cognitive flexibility (r=0,40; p=0,05). Thus, the assumption that CF have an important influence on mathematical performance is supported, especially in younger children, which indicates that cognitive assessment of CF in educational settings from early childhood can help guide important actions, as by knowing these underlying skills implicated in math performance interventions can focus on them aiming to improve math skills.