In the version of this Article originally published, there were a number of errors in the main text, the Supplementary Information, the Methods and Figures that needed to be corrected as a result of a coding error when quantifying the wave contributions to sea level rise. In the ‘Interannual-to-multidecadal changes’ section of the main text, from the sentence beginning “Overall, the median...”, ‘55%’ has been corrected to ‘58%’; in the following sentence, “This large contribution is globally evenly distributed...” has been adjusted to “This large contribution is distributed...”, and ‘28%’ and ‘27%’ have been corrected to ‘38%’ and ‘20%’, respectively; and in the sentence following that, ‘39%’ and ‘16%’ have been corrected to ‘36%’ and ‘17%’, respectively. In the ‘Sensitivity to the wave set-up and swash formulation.’ section of the Methods, in equation (5), ’0.756’, ‘0.165’ and ‘0.0368’ have been corrected to ‘0.757’, ‘0.167’ and ‘0.044 H02’, respectively; in the sentence beginning ‘Wave contribution to...’, ‘55%’ has been corrected to ‘28%’; the following sentence has been corrected to read: “On average, swell contribution to the total wave contribution are of 64% for all three formulations.”; and in the final sentence, ‘(i) (49% and 51%...)’ has been corrected to ‘(ii) (41% and 59%...)’, ‘(iii) (36% and 64%...)’ has been corrected to ‘(i) (34% and 66%...)’, and ‘(ii) (19% and 81%...)’ has been corrected to ‘(iii) (25% and 75%...)’. In the ‘Significance of the trends.’ section of the Methods, in the final sentence '(Galápagos Islands, Callao, Clipperton Island and Tumaco)...' has been corrected to read '(Galápagos Islands and Tumaco)…'. In the online versions of the article, Figs 2–4 and Supplementary Figs 2–9 have been replaced to correct erroneous results that were the consequence of the coding error. All these figures are available as Supplementary Information to this correction notice.