Objectives: To describe the effects of low dose hormonal replacement therapy (LD-HRT) on quality of life in early postmenopausal women, since the postmenopausal estrogen deprivation in mid age women often brings along a series of changes and symptoms, which may greatly affect quality of life. Methods: Fifty normal postmenopausal women were recruited and randomly treated with LD-HRT, 17beta-estradiol (1 mg/day) and norethisterone acetate (0.5 mg/day) (LD-HRT) or calcium supplement (controls). No significant differences in age, age at menopause, the presence of chronic diseases and socio-economic status were present in the two groups. The Women's Health Questionnaire (WHQ), a validated quality-of-life instrument for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, was administered at baseline and after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment in both groups. Results: At baseline no significant differences in WHQ scores were present in the two groups. In the control group the scores in all different areas showed no significant modification either after 6 and 12 weeks of observation. Conversely, the LD-HRT group showed a significant decrease in the scores of vasomotor symptoms, somatic symptoms, anxiety/fear, depressed mood and sleep problem items. No effects on memory/concentration and menstrual symptoms areas were evident. Conclusion: Although quality of life is also and may be mainly influenced by socio-economic and cultural factors, LD-HRT definitively can improve not only vasomotor symptoms, but also more general aspects of physical and psychological well-being of symptomatic postmenopausal women. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.