When assessing water quality, there are several criteria. In the first place is the standardization factor, including limits on the withdrawal of water from sources, limits on the discharge of wastewater and the maximum mass of pollution for each ingredient. Further, water use implies three main types: 1) hygienic requirements for drinking water; 2) the quality of water for cultural purposes; 3) to the waters of fishery purposes. With the transition of Russia to the market, fundamentally changed attitudes towards ecology and raw materials, to technical policy, improving methods and means of wastewater treatment in order to extract useful elements from them and rational waste disposal. However, the problem of priority protection of domestic "know-how", especially in environmental issues, aggravating the difficult social environment, remained relevant. Thus, there is a need to develop criteria and methods for minimizing costs while maintaining natural sources and wastewater treatment. There is a need to calculate socio-economic efficiency when it comes to the introduction of non-waste technologies related to the environment, which improves the social situation and the country's prestige on a global level. Consider some points linking these problems with the solution of the problems of economics and ecology. It is necessary to highlight such aspects of the problem as: monitoring of harmful components, the cost-effectiveness of water treatment methods and the development of new methods for the production of effective sorbents and reagents. A separate article is the non-waste processes. In industrialized countries, the same problems exist that are often solved by rational disposal methods.