We have developed an 11-item scale, the Holistic Complementary and Alternative Medicine Questionnaire (HCAMQ). Six of the HCAMQ items relate to beliefs about the scientific validity of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and five to beliefs about holistic health (HH). The HCAMQ was completed by SO patients attending a CAM clinic and SO attending rheumatology outpatients; the former completed it twice. Factor analysis (oblique rotation) showed that the CAM and HH items measured distinct but related constructs. The HCAMQ has good test retest reliability (r= 0.86, 0.82 and 0.77 for the total, CAM subscale and HH subscale, respectively). The individuals attending CAM clinics were significantly more positive on the CAM but not the HH subscale of the HCAMQ and also used less antibiotics than those attending rheumatology outpatients. Positivity towards CAM on the total HCAMQ and subscales was significantly associated with lower age, increased vitamin use, reduced painkiller use, and, other than on the HH subscale, less antibiotic use. The reason why the HH subscale failed to distinguish between the two patient groups or predict less antibiotic use is unknown. The HCAMQ appears to have good internal validity, but its external validity remains to be established. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.