Many fear that social networking sites (SNSs) are disconnecting people from meaningful face-to-face relationships. Nevertheless, previous research suggests that SNS use is related to increased face-to-face communication. The present study was conducted to determine whether personality traits and attachment styles moderate this relationship. Students (n = 855) completed an online survey that included measures of Facebook use, time spent engaging in face-to-face communication, personality traits, and attachment styles. The results revealed that Facebook use was associated with increased face-to-face communication and that this relationship was moderated by extraversion. Specifically, the relationship between Facebook use and face-to-face communication was significant for individuals with low to moderate levels of extraversion (i.e.. introverts) only. As extraversion increased, the magnitude of the relationship between Facebook use and face-to-face time decreased. No other personality traits or attachment styles significantly moderated the relationship between Facebook use and face-to-face communication. Facebook (and potentially SNSs more generally) may be especially beneficial for introverts by allowing them to build trust and rapport in a less threatening social environment that, in turn, makes them more comfortable engaging in face-to-face communication. However, research is needed to understand the direction and mechanisms underlying this relationship. Nevertheless, the present study provides novel insights into the beneficial role that Facebook may play in connecting people in the real world.