In the fall of 2005, the pilot spinning mill at cotton research institute "CRI", began making spinning investigations, researches and developments R and D beside the experimental spinning mill which conducts the spinning-test routine. It is possible to orient the textile industry in Egypt to make proper use of Egyptian ELS cotton lint for the production of fine yarns and high quality ready made garments. The cotton samples contained approximately 100 kg of ginned lint, in order to perform both fiber and spinning tests. Cottons from 5 different ELS varieties and promising crosses identified as 2 categories, were selected for this study, the first group represented the extra-long extra-fine category that is, Giza 45, Giza 87 and new promising cross G.77 X Pima. The second group represented the extra long staple category that is, Giza 88 and new promising cross G.84(G.74XG.68). The fiber properties were tested in textile technology center, Trutzschler GmbH and Co. KG, Monchengladbach, Germany. The results showed that AFIS and HVI fiber properties can be used for the prediction of yarn properties successfully. Whilst the results were quite satisfactory, it was necessary to ascertain that the results were paralleled elsewhere, especially industrial scale. These checks, made by spinning duplicated samples at Pilot spinning mill, cotton research institute and in Misr Iran spinning and weaving company. The relative order of yarn characteristics were the same at the count level.