Heat stations in buildings are commonly oversized, both with regards to capacity and need for space for installations. In addition, nearby buildings and industries usually have their own stand alone heat stations, especially in cities. Hence there are often many separate heat stations working at the same time, often under non-optimized conditions, due to over sizing or poor control systems. The initial number of heat stations can be substantially reduced, and the remaining stations can be integrated into a mutual energy distribution network. Thus, fewer (and the most efficient) heat stations can serve all buildings. Existing stations which are not being used, can act as a reserve, or just being engaged whenever it becomes cheaper to use them. They can also be disengaged permanently, so that valuable areas can be freed for other usage. Operating costs can be reduced, since fewer stations need less inspection hours and maintenance. Integrating heat stations, optimizing the energy distribution and control systems thus have potential for improving total efficiency and economy significantly. Measurements in a group of buildings show that the total capacity of existing stand alone heat stations is substantially higher than the required capacity during most of the year, even in winter. This overcapacity can either be shut down, or it can be utilised for other purposes like thawing snow and ice outdoor (parking areas, sports arenas, shopping areas etc.). This may even reduce costs for removing snow/ice manually. Procedures for carrying through integration of heat stations are described and exemplified, and important components and systems are outlined. Aspects concerning optimisation, both with regards to system design and operation, are also discussed. By introducing a more flexible and efficient heat supply, through optimised integration and distribution, there is a great potential for reducing total energy usage in buildings and industry. Integration of heat stations also reveal a demand for new control procedures, new components and new system designs. The present work is currently being further escalated through modelling and simulation of heat stations, including efforts to optimise system design and operation, as well as utilising present flexibility possibilities as much as possible. This will be a combined feasibility study and energy savings study. If results suggest that it is feasible to merge existing heat stations into a mutual large integrated and coordinated system and the possible savings are substantial, the next step is to carry out a full scale test.