Performance of bulk freeze dried (BFD) cultures of dahi (D) and yoghurt (Y) either with or without probiotic cultures (AB -Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum) in standardized milk of cow and buffalo was evaluated. In buffalo milk, significantly (p < 0.05) low viable count of probiotic culture combination of dahi cultures (DAB) over non probiotic combination (D) was noticed; whereas, difference in counts of yoghurt culture combinations Y and YAB was not significant. The culture activity of D and DAB was similar in both types of milk, however, the volatile acidity (VA) produced by combination D was higher (32.5 ml/50 g sample) in buffalo milk than in cow milk (29.2 ml/50 g sample). Whereas, DAB produced very low amount of VA (16 ml/50 g sample) both in cow and buffalo milk. The diacetyl and tyrosine contents produced by either D or DAB in cow or buffalo milk were in the same order. Although Y and YAB produced slightly more VA in buffalo milk than in cow milk, significant change in the performance of yoghurt cultures (Y or YAB) both in cow and buffalo milk was not noticed. However, the VA and acetaldehyde produced by YAB either in cow and buffalo milk was higher than that by combination Y. Addition of probiotic cultures significantly enhanced the production of acetaldehyde content in both types of milk. Difference in tyrosine content in yoghurt made either with cow or buffalo milk was not significant. Overall, the present study indicated that the BFD cultures can be used to prepare dahi or yoghurt either from cow or buffalo milk, without affecting the biochemical profile of these products.