Pore structures with rich nanopores and permeability in tight gas reservoirs are poorly understood up to date. Advanced techniques are needed to be employed to accurately characterize pore structures, especially tiny pores which include micron and nanopores. In this study, various experimental techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) T2, nitrogen adsorption method, and NMR cryoporometry (NMRC) are combined to interrogate the complex pore systems of the tight gas reservoir in the Linxing formation, Ordos Basin, China. Results show that tight gas sandstones are primarily comprised of residual interparticle and clay-dominated pores. Clay and quartz are two dominate minerals while pyrite occupies a nontrivial amount as well. The permeability of tight gas sandstones is very low, exhibiting an extremely poor positive correlation with porosity. While pore types and relative pore contents are more influential factors on the permeability, accurate characterization of pore size distribution is critical for the permeability of tight gas sandstones. Therefore, complementary characterization methods are carried out, indicating that neither small pores with radii<100 nm (around peak 1 in NMR T2 distribution) nor large pores with radii>5 mu m (around peak 3 in NMR T2 distribution) control the permeability by analyzing the connectivity of the pores in various size ranges, but rather pores averaging approximately 350 +/- X nm (around peak 2 in NMR T2 distribution) have sufficient connectivity to host and transmit hydrocarbons. The pore size of tight gas sandstones is dominated by the clay-rich mineral assemblage. The study shows that the NMRC technique can be a very promising method, especially when referred to as a promising "roadmap" on how to interrogate tight formations such as the tight gas sands or even shale especially for the nanopore characterization.