french bean;
Phaseolus vulgaris;
irrigation water cumulative pan evaporation (IW/CPE);
soil-moisture depletion;
water-use efficiency;
D O I:
S [农业科学];
09 ;
A field experiment was conducted on french bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with 6 levels of irrigation and 3 levels of nitrogen during the winter season of 1991-93 at Pusa. Leaf-area index and dry-matter production were maximum at 3 irrigations, 0.8 IW:CPE (IW, Irrigation water; CPE, cumulative pan evaporation) ratio and 120 kg N/ha. Grain yield and net returns were highest with 0.8 IW:CPE ratio, 3 irrigations and 120 kg N/ha. Water-use efficiency was maximum with 1 irrigation. Soil-moisture depletion was higher from 0-60 cm layer with 2-3 irrigations, whereas relative depletion in the lower soil profile (60-90 cm) was more with 1 irrigation. Total N uptake increased significantly with increase in the levels of irrigation and nitrogen.