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Stochastic simulation of Manchega sheep breed selection scheme. Impact of artificial insemination, progeny testing system and nucleus size on genetic progress and inbreeding
Smulders, J. P.
Serrano, M.
Perez-Guzman, M. D.
Jimenez, M. A.
Uribe, H.
Jurado, J. J.
[1] INIA, Dept Mejora Gen Anim, Madrid 28040, Spain
[2] Univ Austral Chile, Inst Ciencia Anim & Tecnol Carnes, Valdivia, Chile
[3] CERSYRA, Valdepenas 13300, Spain
[4] Lincoln Univ, Agr & Life Sci Div, Canterbury, New Zealand
genetic simulation;
selection schemes;
Manchega sheep breed;
genetic progress;
dairy ewes;
milk sheep;
D O I:
S8 [畜牧、 动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂];
0905 ;
Manchega is a local Spanish sheep breed located in the region of Castilla la Mancha, Actually there are 0.8 million of milked ewes. The selection scheme of Manchega breed (ESROM) started in 1988, involving a selection nucleus composed by 103,887 ewes distributed in 106 flocks. Results obtained from the ESROM has been moderate in comparison with other similar European schemes. By this and other reasons, to develop a specific tool to study the ESROM system seems to be necessary. The objectives of this work were to develop a genetic simulation model based on the ESROM real system and to study the effects on genetic progress and inbreeding level achieved from different rates of AI used, the progeny test system and the selection nucleus size. An additive infinitesimal model was assumed for the trait 120 days Total Milk Yield (TW). Five alternatives selection criteria (two per each group of animals to be selected), differentiated on their selection intensities, were associated to the selection of lambs for future artificial insemination rams, natural mating rams and ewes. All selection decisions were based on periodical genetic evaluations (BLUP), using an animal model with repeated measures. 60 specific cases were studied, each one with 20 replicates. An average true genetic progress per year ranging from 1.04% to 2.10% in AI rams and 0.59% to 2.11% in ewes were observed. Results of phenotypic progress varied from 0.44% to 1.83% per year. True inbreeding levels of ewes at year 17 were between 0.218% and 1.879%. The model used had the expected behavior. In general, the studied selection scheme had its better results (maximum genetic progress), when AI rate was equal or greater than 50%, a greater number of new rams were tested per year (75 and 44) and a selection nucleus size equal or greater than 9000 ewes (30 flocks). Selection intensity of natural mating rams had a great impact on the genetic progress, especially when the use of AI was low. The greater the nucleus size, the higher the genetic progress, but an operative scheme from around 9000 initial ewes could be established. Results observed demonstrate the existence of some critical areas, which could be verified on the real system in order to improve their effectiveness. In this framework, the ESROM could develop two complementary strategies: to improve the selection system of Natural Mating Rams (selecting only sons of AI rams) and/or to increase the levels of AI until 50%. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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