The main objective of the present study is to examine the set of predictor variables which facilitate a greater level of intervention in the definition of the context of change in Social Casework Practice. We have based our research on the level of interventions shown by the sample of Community Social Services Social Workers on the Island of Mallorca in the scope of the Inventory for the Analysis of the Relation of Help between the Social Worker and the Client during the Phase of Study and Evaluation of the Analysis of the Problem Situation (Cardona, 2008). In this study, we have examined an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 73.04 per cent of the total number of social workers who work on projects involving direct contact with the individual or family (N = 84). Ratings for the two aspects under analysis (importance and accomplishment) have been obtained, the lineal relationship has been tested through Spearman's lineal correlation coefficient and the Z conformity test for proportions has been carried out, as well as analysis of variance. Finally, we have undertaken an analysis of regression models in seven areas of study, with the aim of identifying the predictor variables showing greatest levels of accomplishment linked to the characteristics of the professionals, the characteristics of the services and context features. Additionally, an analysis of co-linearity between variables has been carried out with the aim of refining the variables which show constant correlations. The increases in the levels of intervention do not depend on the organisation of the social services, nor are they determined by the working rules of the said services. Data show that the increase in the levels of intervention are related to the behaviour of three characteristics of the professionals: postgraduate training and/or updating professional qualifications, the development of reflective practice based on case discussion in their work team and, finally, the professionals' expectations of self-efficacy.