The above article, published online on 2(nd) July 2013 in Wiley Online Library (, has been retracted by agreement between the authors (Ikutaro Nakajima, Takashi Noda, Hideaki Kanzaki, Kohei Ishibashi, Koji Miyamoto, Yuko Yamada, Hideo Okamura, Kazuhiro Satomi, Takeshi Aiba, Shiro Kamakura, Toshihisa Anzai, Masaharu Ishihara, Satoshi Yasuda, Hisao Ogawa and Wataru Shimizu), the journal Editor in Chief (Kazuo Matsumoto), and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd. The retraction has been agreed to because the authors secured Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for their study only after submission of the manuscript to the journal. REFERENCE Nakajima I, Noda T, Kanzaki H, Ishibashi K, Miyamoto K, Yamada Y, et al. Effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with inotrope-dependent class IV end-stage heart failure. Journal of Arrhythmia. 2013;29:342-6. .