To retain intact state information of the district heating network (DHN) as possible in the optimization of heat and electricity integrated energy system (HE-IES), this article combines the transient heat flow and steady-state electric power flow to formulate the dynamic optimal energy flow (OEF) model of HE-IES. For efficient and standardized solution, the finite difference method is applied to convert the partial differential equation constraint (introduced by the temperature dynamics in DHN) into a set of linear equality constraints. The structure of applicable difference schemes for system optimization is analyzed, based on which, a scheme with balanced performances in stability, convergence, simulation accuracy, and computation burden is developed. Moreover, with the proposed multi-objective optimization based method to select proper spatial and temporal calculation step sizes, a compromise between model precision and solution complexity can be reached. Case studies validate the feasibility and benefits of our proposed dynamic OEF computing method, which can further provide support for making optimal planning and operating strategies.