This investigation is coordinated for the case of strip embedded foundation With incomplete contact to surrounding medium to uncover some aspects of kinematic interaction. The extracted results of finite element analyses are presented in three stages. First, horizontal and rotational foundation responses besides a recently introduced net horizontal foundation input motion are studied extensively. Then, the difference between net horizontal foundation input motion and free field motion is discussed here. In addition, the affected response spectra by considering such net horizontal input motion are illustrated. The results indicate that the role of frequency content of records to take kinematic interaction effects becomes highlighted for the case of incomplete contact with respect to fully bounding state. Also, kinematic interaction has considerable role in amplifying peak accelerations of net horizontal foundation input motion and related response spectra for specific cases. Such amplification is notable for the case of slender structures rested on foundations with zero contact of side walls to surrounding soil. This intensification would sometimes move traditionally designed, systems, in which incomplete contact between soil and subterranean walls is ignored, to unconservative states.