Candidate genes were studied for litter size in 300 sows Yorkshire-Landrace; ESR, PRLR, RBP4 y FUT1. The sows were grouped in two levels of production (LP): high level (HL) and low level (ILL). Using Chi-Square test the alleles and genotypic frequencies were analyzed. Employing analysis of variance with an mixed model effects for the total number born (TNB), number of piglets born alive (NBA), number of piglets alive at weaning (NW), total weight of piglets born (WTNB), total weight of piglets alive at weaning (WNW) and breeding value sow productivity (BVSP). The means were compared by orthogonal contrasts. The sows with high production were associated with a higher frequency of B allele of ESR gene (P < 0.05). The differences were of 0.04 NBA, 0.3 NW, 2.9 WNW kg and 8.6 BVSP points to favor of AB genotype of ESR gene (P < 0.05) without considering the LIP and no homozygous 1313 animal was detected. The alleles and genotypic frequencies of PRLR gene were not related with the LIP (P > 0.05), did not have differences (P > 0.05) between the genotypes AA, AB and 1313 without considering the LIP, neither within of same LIP. In the RBP4 gene the frequency of A allele and the AA genotype was higher in sows with HL (P < 0.05), no homozygous BB animals were detected. The sows with AA genotype had 0.5 TNB, 0.5 NBA, 0.6 WTNB kg, 2.6 WNW kg and 3.2 BVSP points more than sows with AB genotype (P < 0.05), without considering the LP. The frequency of G allele and GG genotype of FUT1 gene was higher in the HL (P < 0.05). The GG genotype was higher than AG genotype with 0.6 TNB, 0.8 WTNB kg, 3.0 WNW kg and 3.9 BVSP points more (P < 0.05), without considering the LP.