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Rules about smoking and vaping in the home: findings from the 2016 International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping Survey
Nahhas, Georges J.
Braak, David
Cummings, K. Michael
Heckman, Bryan W.
Alberg, Anthony J.
Yong, Hua-Hie
Fong, Geoffrey T.
Boudreau, Christian
Hitchman, Sara C.
McNeill, Ann
[1] Med Univ South Carolina, Dept Psychiat & Behav Sci, Charleston, SC USA
[2] Med Univ South Carolina, Hollings Canc Ctr, Charleston, SC USA
[3] Med Univ South Carolina, Coll Grad Studies & Med, Charleston, SC USA
[4] Univ South Carolina, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Arnold Sch Publ Hlth, Columbia, SC USA
[5] Canc Council Victoria, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
[6] Deakin Univ, Sch Psychol, Geelong, Vic, Australia
[7] Univ Waterloo, Dept Psychol, Waterloo, ON, Canada
[8] Univ Waterloo, Sch Publ Hlth & Hlth Syst, Waterloo, ON, Canada
[9] Ontario Inst Canc Res, Toronto, ON, Canada
[10] Univ Waterloo, Dept Stat & Actuarial Sci, Waterloo, ON, Canada
[11] Kings Coll London, Addict Dept, Inst Psychiat Psychol & Neurosci, London, England
[12] UK Ctr Tobbacco & Alcohol Studies, Nottingham, England
Risk perception;
secondhand vaping;
smoking rules at home;
vaping rules at home;
D O I:
R194 [卫生标准、卫生检查、医药管理];
Aims To examine rules about smoking and vaping in the home in relation to beliefs about the relative harm of second-hand vapor (SHV) compared with second-hand smoke (SHS) in four countries: Canada, United States, England and Australia. Design Data were available from 12 294 adults (18+) who participated in the 2016 (wave 1) International Tobacco Control Four Country Smoking and Vaping (ITC 4CV1) Survey. Participants All participants were current or recent former adult smokers. Measurements Data were analyzed by weighted logistic regression on rules about smoking and vaping in the home; odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were reported, adjusted for demographic and behavioral variables. Findings Of all respondents, 37.4% allowed smoking inside their home. Among a subset who were current vapers (n = 6135), 60.4% allowed vaping in their homes. After controlling for demographic and behavioral characteristics, beliefs about the harm of SHV compared with SHS was not associated with allowing smoking in the home, but was associated with allowing vaping in the home [odds ratio (OR) = 2.86 in Canada, OR = 1.82 in the United States and OR = 1.68 in England]. Characteristics that were associated with rules about vaping inside the home included daily vaping (OR = 2.95, 2.04-4.26; OR = 7.00, 4.12-11.87; OR = 5.50, 3.40-8.88; OR = 7.78, 1.90-31.80), living with a spouse who vapes (OR = 2.48, 1.54-3.98; OR = 2.69, 1.42-5.11; OR = 4.67, 2.74-7.95; OR = 21.82, 2.16-220.9) and living with children aged under 18 years (OR = 0.50, 0.37-0.68; OR = 0.89, 0.48-1.65; OR = 0.76, 0.53-1.09; OR = 0.26, = 0.11-0.61) in Canada, the United States, England and Australia, respectively. Similar characteristics were associated with rules about smoking inside the home. Conclusions Among current and former smokers in 2016 in Canada, the United States, England and Australia, 37.4% allowed smoking in the home; 60.4% of current vapers allowed vaping. Both concurrent users and exclusive vapers were more likely to allow vaping than smoking inside the home. Allowing vaping inside the home was correlated with the belief that second-hand vapor is less harmful than second-hand smoke.
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